Novosibirsk Expo Center
st. Stationnaya, 104

During our chairmanship, we want to do our best
to facilitate the effective implementation of decisions, which were made on the current summit, including those related to the expansion of the association’s membership.

We are organizing tight coordination with our partners concerning foreign affairs and working together on key international platforms, primarily in the UN. In doing so, we continue our practice of regular meetings of high representatives on security issues

— Vladimir Putin, the President of Russia at 15th BRICS Summit.

in numbers:

in numbers:

> 0

exhibiting companies



> 0

of exhibiting area



Forum Concept

Today, the situation in Russia and in the world dictates the need to discuss and make decisions on the current problems and prospects of industrial and economic global cooperation. Following the BRICS summit in South Africa, the BRICS countries will strengthen the multilateral vector of the alliance for the benefit of security and common development, and the BRICS chairmanship in 2024 will pass to Russia. The BRICS-2024 summit will be held next October in Kazan. In June, the BRICS Games will be held in the capital of Tatarstan. In addition, the teams of the Association have been invited to the international tournament «Games of the Future» to be held in Yekaterinburg in 2024.

Over a dozen Russian cities will host BRICS political, economic and social events in 2024. Among them is the capital of Siberia — Novosibirsk.
 What is the most effective strategy in the conditions of the structural crisis of the world economy?
- What opportunities for the development of business ties between the enterprises of the BRICS member states are offered by the accession of new countries to the association and the introduction of a single settlement currency?

— What are the main priorities of cooperation with international organizations in the current situation and how to build a competent system of strategic planning for the successful operation of Russian enterprises?
These and many other issues will be discussed at the BRICS Global Expo.

When and where?

BRICS Global Expo (BRICSGlobalExpo) 2024 — will be held on April 29-30, 2024 in Novosibirsk, the scientific capital of Russia. The choice of venue is due to the fact that the Novosibirsk Region’s international relations are one of the tools for solving urgent problems of socio-economic development of the region and Russia as a whole; they successfully address the issues of integrating the country’s scientific and educational complex into the international environment, assisting small and medium-sized businesses in entering foreign markets, studying international practices to solve the region’s development problems, and expanding cultural ties. Given the current realities of the large-scale anti-Russian campaign, the Novosibirsk Region’s international ties are aimed at deepening cooperation within the Eurasian Economic Union, active interaction with the Commonwealth of Independent States, increasing the potential for cooperation with the Asia-Pacific region, and expanding business and cultural ties with the SCO and BRICS member states, the Asia-Pacific region, Latin America, Africa, and their associations.

forum program

The first BRICS Global Expo will present the latest developments in medicine and education, information technology, artificial intelligence, creative industries, investment and innovation, as well as sports and rehabilitation. Achievements and project solutions in these and other spheres will be presented both by Russian companies — market leaders, and leading enterprises of BRICS countries, Middle East, Asia, Latin America, Africa and neighboring countries.

Representatives of the governments of these countries, embassies and consulates, relevant ministries, heads of companies, investment funds, experts in the field of international law and support of international transactions will speak within the framework of the business program. The program is currently being developed and supplemented with new challenges that require detailed discussion and development of effective mechanisms for effective integration and promotion of business relations.

The business program will include the signing of international agreements, presentations, press conferences, networking, and cultural and entertainment programs will demonstrate the hospitality of the Siberian region. A resolution will be developed based on the results of the forum.

The event is supported by

BRICS Global Expo forum will take place at the Novosibirsk Expocenter International Exhibition Complex in cooperation with International Enterprising Center, Autonomous Noncommercial Enterprising Support Organization (Saint-Petersburg, Russia) and BRICS International Forum.

The event is supported by:

  • The Novosibirsk Region Government,
  • The Moscow Government
  • The Saint-Petersburg Government,
  • The Republic of Buryatia Government,
  • The Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Kyrgyz Republic,
  • South African Chamber of Commerce and Industry,
  • The Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia,
  • Russia’s BRICS Business Council,
  • Russian branch of BRICS Women’s Business Alliance,
  • Eurasian Development Bank’s Council,
  • Eurasian Business Association,
  • Chinese-Russian Fund for Economic and Social Development named after I.A. Arkhipov,
  • Russia’s Association for Cryptoeconomics of Artificial Intelligence and Blockchain (RACAIB),
  • Moscow Entrepreneurs’ Association eco-system,
  • Financial and Business Associations of Eurasian Cooperation,
  • Digital Middle Eastern business platform “SINAHA”, Russian branch,
  • D-Cinema and Creative Industries’ Center
  • All-National Hospitality Industry Alliance (ANHIA)
  • Investment Forum “Development and Construction of Cities of the Future”
  • Under support of the Novosibirsk Expocenter International Exhibition Complex.
  • Informational support is provided by leading federal and regional media agencies.

Exhibition concept

The EXPO concept itself is also topical. These are solutions for the exposition on 3,500 m2 in high-tech style using the latest visualization technologies.
The idea of the exhibition is information with «full immersion».
The concept of BRICS Global Expo is in line with the concepts of Expo Dubai, China Hi-Tech Fair, World Meta Verseshow, International Exhibition-Forum RUSSIA 2023. We create a virtual space at the Novosibirsk Expocenter International Exhibition Complex in partnership with the leading developers of VR/AR industry and IT-technologies in Russia and the world.

Types of stands included in the expo concept:

BRICS Global Expo exhibitors only need to have a hard disk with information, and the BRICS Global Expo team of specialists will help to create powerful visual content. To prepare visual content independently, it is necessary to obtain the terms of reference from the organizers.
BRICS Global Expo is a forum-exhibition where reality merges with fantasy. Complex concepts become more accessible. The multimedia space of the exhibition will make it possible to establish a connection between technologies located in different parts of the world. Immersive installations will allow you to present the achievements of companies in the most effective way.

Discover revolutionary innovations and a truly interactive world of economic global cooperation!

Construction plan

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3:16 min

Commercial offers

Organizing Committee of BRICS Global Expo 2024

Lev Nikolaevich Reschetnikov

Economic Development Minister in the Novosibirsk Region

Alexander Sergeevich Zyryanov

General Director of Novosibirsk Region Development Corporation, Joint-Stock Company

Alexey Valeryevich Shaposhnikov

Chairman of the Moscow City Duma, Candidate of Legal Sciences, Honored Lawyer of the Russian Federation, member of the Scientific and Methodological Advisory Council of the Central Election Commission of the Russian Federation

Olga Alexandrovna Makeeva

President of the BRICS International Humanitarian Club, Head of the Brix Global Expo Project, Authorized Representative for the Siberian Federal District in the Chinese-Russian Fund for Economic and Humanitarian Development named after I.A. Arkhipov

Dmitry Valentinovich Tomilin

Rector of the Institute named after People's Artist of the USSR I.D. Kobzon; member of the Union of Theater Workers; Honorary Worker of Culture of Moscow; deputy of the Mitino municipal district, head and co-author of the project "International Festival of Theater Schools of BRICS Countries".

Alexander Borisovich Seridenko

Artistic Director of the MHTK Theater (Moscow), Head of the Expert Council at the Department of Education and Science of Moscow, General Director of the Center for Digital Cinema and Creative Industries, Producer of the BRICS Youth Theater Festival, Vice-President of the International Cultural and Humanitarian Club BRICS.

Tatyana Vadimovna Mineeva

Commissioner for the Protection of Entrepreneurs' Rights in Moscow.

Since 2013 till 2019: Vice President of the All-Russian Public Organization “Business Russia”.

Since 2016 till 2019:

- Chairman of the Public Council at Moscow Department of Education

- Member of the Public Business Council for the “Education” national project

Since 2017 till 2019:

- Member of the Public Chamber of the Moscow Region

- Author of two editions of the book “How to make friends with the government” (2016 and 2021)

Winner of the contest named “Leaders of Russia. Politics” (2020)

Candidate of Economic Sciences.

Anatoly Vasilyevich Torkunov

Russian diplomat, Koreanist, historian and political scientist. The Rector of the Moscow National Institute for International Relations, and the President of its Endowment. The Candidate of Historical Sciences, Doctor of Political Sciences, Professor, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Chairman of the Board of Directors of Channel One. The Co-Chairman of the French-Russian Trianon Dialogue. The Chairman of the Public Chamber of the Moscow Region. The Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary. The Honored Employee of the Diplomatic Service of the Russian Federation

Sergey Evgenyevich Kiryushin

Director of the Department of Information Support of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia, Special Representative of the Minister of Foreign Affairs on Digital Transformation Issues

Pavel (Pogos) Semyonovich Akopov

Chairman of the Council of the All-Russian Public Organization "Association of Russian Diplomats"

Sergey Poghosovich Akopov

Russian diplomat

Aldar Dzhangarovich Zhorzhiev

The Minister of Tourism of the Republic of Buryatia

Sariev Temir Argembaevich

President of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Kyrgyz Republic

Mtho Xulu

President of the South African Chamber of Commerce and Industry

Kirill Radchenko

Head of the regional branch of the Russian-Asian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs in St. Petersburg, member of the Public Council under the Committee for External Relations of the Government of St. Petersburg, President of ANOPP "International Center for Entrepreneurship".

Dr. Jafer Hussein Mohammedhussein

Head of Middle East Business Platform "SINAHA" in Russia, Representative of ANOP "Center for International Entrepreneurship".
in the Middle East and Africa

Ivan Borisovich Arkhipov

Deputy Chairman of the interregional public organization "Russian-Chinese Friendship Society", President of the I.V. Arkhipov Foundation for Russian-Chinese Economic and Humanitarian Cooperation, Deputy of the Council of Deputies of the Ramenki Municipal District of the City of Moscow

Alexander Evgenyevich Brazhnikov

Executive Director of the Russian Association of Cryptoindustry and Blockchain (RAKIB), Head of the non-profit partnership "Union of Information Defenders", Honorary Officer of the FSTEC of Russia, Member of the Union of Journalists of Russia, Vice-President of the All-Russian Sports Organization "National Floorball Federation of Russia".

Sergey Lvov

Managing Partner of TRIBE. Territory Development, member of the Urbanius Club Council, Organizer of the Annual Investment Forum “Development and Construction of Cities of the Future”.

Hanan Wagdi Khaled

Coordinator of the CPYP Economic Forum. Egypt

Purnima Anand

President of the BRICS International Forum, Honorary President of the International Federation of Indian-Russian Youth Clubs (IFIRYC), Managing Director of BRICS International Consultancy Pvt.ltd. India

Li Shobin

President of the Financial and Business Association of Euro-Asian Cooperation, Founder of SLC-RUS Group of Companies

Evgenia Bondarenko

Managing partner of Yusconsult Legal Consulting Company, member of the Board of Trustees of the Club of Investors and Business Angels of Siberia, the Urals and the Far East, member of the Association of Russian Lawyers, Business Russia and Russia's Anchorage, executive secretary of the Novosibirsk Region Regional Investment Group, co-organizer of the SibLegalWeek forum, member of the public council for the protection of small and medium-sized businesses under the Prosecutor's Office of the Novosibirsk Region, member of the working group for the creation of a database of the Investment Map of the Novosibirsk Region under the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade of the Novosibirsk Region

Larin Alexander Alexandrovich

Member of the Legal Committee of the Association of Exporters and Importers, Member of the Board and Head of the Legal Service of the Russian Translators Union, full member of the Standing Committee for Legal Translation of the International Federation of Translators (FIT), Director of the Alba Translation Agency, PhD in Law.

Alexander Viktorovich Grazhdaninov

Head of the Expert Council of the Committee of the State Duma of the Russian Federation on Tourism and Sports, member of the Organizing Council of the "Games of the Future. BRICS Games

Sergey Demchev

CEO Magic Factory Animation, Founder and Director of the MARS Center for Contemporary Art, Co-founder of the Italian company Mosaico Digitale

Nikolay Alexandrovich Badulin

Venture Investor, General Director of Investment and Financial Company Samotlor-InvestOwner of Eurasien Venture Academy, Founder of the Network Club "Why? How? Who?", Ph.

Grigoriy Viktorovich Pototskyy

Honorary Academician of the Academy of Arts of Russia, Corresponding Member of the International Academy of Culture and Art, Member of the International Academy of Integration of Science and Business, Academician of the International Academy of Informatization, Corresponding Member of the Pedagogical Academy, Member of the International Union of Artists at UNESCO, Member of the Union of Artists of the USSR, Founder of the "International Academy of Kindness".

Elena Vladimirovna Karabutova

Journalist, art critic, member of the International Association of Art Critics (St. Petersburg branch). Expert in the field of Creative Industries. Curator of exhibition projects of the Efes Culture Development Fund

Skvortsov Igor

Composer, international public figure in the sphere of art, author and producer of international digital art projects.

Gordon Lee

General Director of Heritage Funds LPF. PRC

Dr. Abdul Rahman bin Abdullah Al-Mushaykikh

Head of the Board of Directors of the Qasim Region Chamber of Commerce and Industry in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Head of commercial, governmental companies and charitable foundations in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

Alexey Vitalievich Volkov

President of the National Alliance of Hospitality Industry; Advisor to the Chairman of the State Committee of the Russian Federation for Tourism and Tourism Infrastructure Development; General Director of Prime Development, LLC; Advisor to the General Director of the Art-Cluster “Tavrida”; Head of the project named “Tourist-Educational Cluster”; Deputy Chairman of the Coordination Council for the Development of Domestic Tourism, Hospitality Industry and Recreation at the Committee of the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation; Ideologist, creator and co-organizer of the All-Russian professional competition “Hospitality Masters” (2019-2021); member of the Expert Council of the State Committee for Tourism and Tourism Infrastructure Development; member of the Russian Geographical Society (RGS).

Andrey Alekseevich Khanhalaev

Director General of ANO "Center for Management Initiatives of Regional Associations of Participants of the Presidential Management Training Program of the Russian Federation".

Bondareva Inna Leonidovna

Head of the International Council of the ANO "Center for Management Initiatives of Regional Associations of Participants of the Presidential Management Training Program of the Russian Federation".

Dr. Ali Al-Hagras

Chairman of the Management Board of GRAVITY Group of Companies. Kuwait

Dr. Yousef Abdel Wahab Al Amiri

President of the Kuwait National Business House in the General Secretariat of the Kuwait National Council, President of the Kuwait World Friendship House, Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Arab Gulf Media Producers Association, Member of the Executive Board of the Arab Youth Economic Council, Envoy of the Kuwait Society for Human Rights, Member of the Arab Center for the Definition of Law in the League of Arab States, Chairman of the Kuwaiti-Korean Friendship Committee, Chairman of the Kuwaiti-Bulgarian Friendship Committee, Chairman of the Kuwaiti-Bulgarian Friendship Committee

Sheikh Wahhaj

Owner of OMAN CHAMBER OF COMMERCE & INDUSTRY, Sheikh Wahhaj Trading. UAE

Ahmed Abdelwahed

President of the Customs Policy Department at the Egyptian Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Chairman of the Arbitration Committee at Egyptian seaports, economic expert.

Alexey Zyuzin

Crypto Summit organizer (supported by the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation)

Stanislav Lvovich Korolev

Director of the SCO National Center for Public Diplomacy. Consul General of SHA International Ratings Center in CIS, SCO, BRICS countries since 2014.

Professional expert and lobbyist in promotion of large-scale projects related with international markets. Mr. Korolev specializes in development strategies, system analysis, innovation and international relations also being Co-Chairman of the Committee for Supporting Entrepreneurship in New Quality of Life and Sustainable Development of the Moscow Chamber of Commerce and Industry; and Vice-President of the International Fund for Business Cooperation.

He chairs the Pakistan-Russia Business Council and the Eurasian Integration and Geopolitics Council at the Assembly of Eurasian Peoples.

Oleg Lvovich Klimov

President of the RUSSIAN COUNCIL OF SHOPPING CENTERS. Head of the Public Chamber for real estate industry and lease relations under the Commissioner for Protection of Entrepreneurs' Rights under Moscow Government. Member of the Moscow Entrepreneurs Council, Head of the Shopping Centers’, offices’ and co-workings’ group. Co-Chairman of the Fashion Industry Committee under the Commissioner for the Protection of Entrepreneurs' Rights. Member of the franchising group under the Commissioner for the Protection of Entrepreneurs' Rights under Moscow Government. Publisher of the beauty magazine named “B O N J O U R”.


Holder of the Order “Star of Glory of the Fatherland”; Order “Honor and Glory of the Great Russia”; awarded with the medal “For Active Public Position and Patriotism”

Winner of the “Breakthrough of the Year-2015” award in the “Businessman of the Year” nomination.

Dr. Adnan Yousef

Chairman of the Bahrain Banks Association, Former President and CEO of Al Baraka Banking Group, Pioneer and founder of Islamic banking.

Dr. Abdul Hamid Abdullah Al Rumaiti

Director-General of the International Foundation for Tolerance, Director-General of Culture Arabia

Dr. Muhammad Salem Soroor Al Sabban

Former Senior Advisor to the Minister of Petroleum, Former Chief Negotiator for the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC)

 Аль Балуши
Dr. Leila Al Balushi

Member of the Board of Trustees of the International Foundation for Tolerance. Senior Consultant, Culture Arabia.
Ambassador of Brics Global Expo in the UAE.

Sheikh Salem bin Sultan bin Saqr Al Qasimi

Head of the Civil Aviation Department of Ras Al Khaimah. UAE

Muhammad Ali Al Naqi

Chairman of the Board of Kuwait Industries Holding, Vice Chairman, Member of the Board of Trustees of the International Foundation for Tolerance.

Svetlana Balzhenovna Paraskeva

Russian-Mongolian Business Council (RMBC), PhD in Economics, Founder of the National Council for the Development of Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises.

Dr. Raafat Al-Manari

Owner and president of Al-Manari group of grain companies. Egypt

Yasser Zaki

Senator of the Upper House of the Egyptian Parliament, Deputy Secretary of the Finance, Economy and Investment Committee. Owner of Gadwa Company. Ambassador of Brics Clobal Expo in Egypt.

Dr. Tariq Husni

President and creator of the Egyptian electronic platform YALLANSADAR, which includes more than 15000 registered expert companies, creator of the Exporters Training Academy. Egypt

Alexey Viktorovich Golubev

General Director of Digital Platforms and Smart City Solutions JSC (ROSATOM Rusatom Information Solutions)

Dr. Magda Al-Azazi

Chairman of the Board of Directors of M Glory holding company for the automotive industry. UAE

Queen Nadia Harihiri

Founder and CEO of Successworld1. UN Ambassador-at-Large to the International Commission on Human Rights. Algeria

Walid Zaki

Chairman of the Board of Directors of the investment holding Pioneers, Egypt

Dr. Mohamed Abd El Ghaphar

The president of the African economy council, President of Pan African Movement Global Commission, President of Nile Valley Association, Egypt

Yastir Mohamed Ali

Ambassador of Sudan to Indonesia

Dr. Tajeddine Seif

United Arab Emirates to the Pontifical Foundation Gravissimum Educationis

Christina Olegovna Frolova

Member of the Council for Culture and Creative Industries of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation, Head of the Union of Entrepreneurs of the Kuzbass region

Andrey Alexeevich Dementyev-Kornilov

Chairman of the Board of the Interregional Public Organization for Support of Cultural Innovations named “Golden Section”

Ekaterina Makeykina

Serial entrepreneur, TOP-30 young entrepreneurs of Russia, investor, founder of the ALLSHARING rental platform, founder of ALIEN clothing brand, founder of HFY brand and app


General manager
Yulia Tseeva
business program manager
Zoya Kutuzova

Producer of business projects of the Energy Strategic Events Agency


Head of Commercial Department, Exhibition coordinator
Khuzin Roman
Project Manager
Olga Makeeva



*By completing this questionnaire, the speaker consents to the subsequent use of personal data in thematic printed and other promotional materials, use for the promotion of the event, publications in the materials of the INTERNATIONAL EXHIBITION-FORUM OF BRICS 2024.

Contact information for speakers
General Manager: Yulia Tseeva, info@interglobalexpo.com


*By completing this questionnaire, the speaker consents to the subsequent use of personal data in thematic printed and other promotional materials, use for the promotion of the event, publications in the materials of the INTERNATIONAL EXHIBITION-FORUM OF BRICS 2024.

Contact information for speakers
Business Program Manager: Zoya Kutuzova, org.forum@interglobalexpo.com

*By completing this questionnaire, the speaker consents to the subsequent use of personal data in thematic printed and other promotional materials, use for the promotion of the event, publications in the materials of the INTERNATIONAL EXHIBITION-FORUM OF BRICS 2024.

Contact information for speakers
Head of Commercial Department: Khuzin Roman, org.forum@interglobalexpo.com

*By completing this questionnaire, the speaker consents to the subsequent use of personal data in thematic printed and other promotional materials, use for the promotion of the event, publications in the materials of the INTERNATIONAL EXHIBITION-FORUM OF BRICS 2024.

Contact information for speakers
Exhibition Coordinator: Arseny Zhizhin, org.expo@interglobalexpo.com

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The business program of the forum is under development

Деловая программа форума в разработке

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